lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

About my career

Resultado de imagen para psychology symbolI'm going to write about my career. So, I'm in my 6th semester at Uni, or my 3rd year and I'm studying psychology. My career (at least in this University) has 5 areas where you can get your specialization: Juridic Psychology, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social / Communitary Psychology and Industrial / Organizational Psychology. I'm still not sure about what I'm going to do in the next two years and the only thing I know is I like Clinic and Juridic Psychology. I used to love Educational Psychology (along with the areas I like right now) and I used to get the best grades in those subjects but last semester I had a really bad experience with a class in that field (It wasn't what I thought it would be) and I decided to focus on the others. Right now I'm doing courses in the lane of Clinic and Juridic psychology and I like it a lot, and somehow this semester is a lot more "chill" than other semesters, I do not know if it is because I like what I'm doing and I'm choosing which courses to take or this semester is' chill' really. In case you do not know, Clinic Psychology and Mental Health is the area where you can find the people who works at hospitals and organizations, is the stereotype of a "psychologist" and Juridic Psychology is the field which works along with Laws to make interventions in that area. Those two areas are the lanes that I want to follow, but I'm still not sure how. Anyways, back to my career, in this University, the professional formation is like a mix of everything, like you can find courses with biologic sciences or courses that are more reflexive like psychoanalysis, and the main idea of having a lot of questions that you can choose to learn to investigate, diagnose, intervene and evaluate in different ways and in different contexts and I think that's cool.

1 comentario:

  1. You sound a lot similar to me when I was on my third year of psychology... I also liked those two areas, and finally I went after clinical psychology. I like the way you express that last part, of having different areas of knowledge to draw new questions and conclusions. Hope you end up loving your decision!


English Challenges

This is my last entry in this blog because I doubt I’ll keep using this at some point of my life and in this blog I’m going to talk abou...